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Work Ready Training

In a small settlement of Northland, a determined individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, managed to overcome a troubled past and build a brighter future through participating in the Tokotoko Work Ready programme. Having moved to Northland two years ago, seeking a fresh start after a painful loss, this 30-something-year-old faced significant barriers to work due to previous convictions for causing grievous bodily harm and attempted murder. Despite his past, he remained honest about his journey.

His life took a positive turn when he enrolled in a six-week Work ready programme, organised by Tokotoko Solutions and funded by the Ministry of Social Development. The program’s support led to a job offer, and he eagerly embraced the opportunity, ready to work hard for a fresh start. The employer recognised his potential and his excellent attitude, and arranged accommodation and transportation to help him settle into his new job.

With determination, he immediately moved from the small settlement and began working in Dargaville, and his commitment paid off when he received his first ever paycheck. Overjoyed by the financial stability he had achieved, he proudly called a family member to celebrate this milestone. He became a valued member of the team, and through his resilience, he has proven that with the right support and a positive attitude, a second chance can lead to a better life.